Flippin' hell, Nida. Another incredible, powerful piece. Thank you, thank you, for giving your voice words and sharing them with us. I always leave your pieces feeling so inspired and challenged - they always open me up to more growth, more vision and more truth. This one particularly is so stark, so poignant and powerful. Thank you for being such a wonderful, insightful human being. 💛💛💛

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Thank you, Sabah! I'm so happy this piece spoke to you. Thank you for being my fiercest fan. Sometimes it's a struggle when all I feel I can do, in the larger scheme of world contributions, is string a few words together. May we all keep trying (and succeeding!) to open each other up to more and more growth and love.

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Apr 4Liked by Nida Elley

I hate you.

You speak truth to Power so eloquently, that trying to pick a particular quote to re-stack causes me to reach for my Klonopin. (which I, incidentally, am in the process of weaning myself off as well.)

I could’ve picked this quote:

“A system in which feelings are considered contagious, like the flu, and thus, dangerous and in need of quarantine.”


“The powers-that-be have done such a convincing job of twisting our disconnection from their brutish rules into mental illness, making us seem like the problem rather than a symptom of the flawed system that idolizes intellect over heart and soul.”

Do you see my point? It’s powerful stuff, back to back to back. (I personally avoid politics— I have to for my own sanity— and I would never “take sides“ in any conflict, because, if I did, it would be clear that I believe that the ever-formidable (and ambiguous) “THEY” are behind everything.

That being said, I do believe in LOVE. It is in my every step, and not wanting to fall, requires my attention.

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Wow! Thank you so much. This means a lot. (Also, I know what you mean about hating people whose every line you want to quote, but am so happy I’m being hated on for this reason.😂) What synchronicity, with you weaning off as well. I hope it hasn’t been too hard. I can understand the desire not to be political. I don’t watch the news anymore for MY sanity. But the news still finds it’s way to me through social media and people talking at work. The political is quickly feeling more and more personal to me, and harder to avoid. Interesting I re-read a poem I wrote a while back about being in a relationship with a narcissist, and it struck me how those same sentiments apply to the global relationships unfolding between the powerful and the powerless. That was a stark reminder for me of how the political was so personal to me. May your life always be lit up by love! Thanks again for reading and responding!🙏🏼

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Apr 4Liked by Nida Elley

Yes, the politics do creep through, but, not having walked in everybody’s shoes, I try to refrain from using specific leader’s names, so not to alienate anyone. I wish we lived in a world where we just led with love with every comment, but it’s so hard!

But Mr. Orange Head is always on the menu, lol!

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That’s interesting. I definitely do try to have compassion for everyone. For example, even with Mr Orange Head, I try to think back to what kind of circumstances he went through to shape him into becoming the person he is today. I try not to paint people as one-dimensional. But in dire circumstances, where the balance of power is so off, and the intent to cause harm so clear, I feel neutrality is not just a luxury, it’s actually hurting the person who’s trying to be neutral in the long run. My understanding of oneness is that, more often than not, we must side with the powerless to restore balance, and this will be better for the hearts and souls of the powerful as well, who may be too blind to realize they are hurting themselves and their progeny in the long run, too. I hope that makes sense.

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Apr 5Liked by Nida Elley

Beautiful. I find myself hypocritical, because I do the same thing through song that you do through writing. I agree that we must “side to the powerless to restore order,” And you reminded me of a song I posted a while back. I’m trying to send it to you directly, but if I can’t, I’ll post it under the title “the year in review”tomorrow. Song #30 of 52. “Have Mercy.”

I’m glad we had this conversation! Thank you, Nida!

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Apr 5Liked by Nida Elley

I “think” I sent the song. Glad I listened to it, as well, as there’s a minute and eight seconds of nothing at the end of it, lol. I hope you like it, and I’ll have to edit that empty space out tomorrow and repost it! ☮️

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You did! What a great song! Thank you for sharing. I’m glad we had this conversation, too.☺️

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Thanks, and thanks for subscribing!

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Apr 4Liked by Nida Elley

Omg. This. Is. So. Good - keep writing!!!!

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Thank you, Rima!🙏🏼 You are always so encouraging.☺️ I so appreciate you.

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