Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Nida Elley

(Now it's me who feel like i'm stalking)

There are parts that really refer to that Dark Night of The Soul experience. And the desire to reborn purged of all previous lives.

I don't really know about the guy who predicted something because I don't think anyone can predict the future. That's giving too much power to something outside.

And history would be beautiful if you did great things but because it's you who's fulfilling your own prophecy.

I'm not the person from the past (or maybe cause we met couple weeks ago haha), I'm the person from the present who tells you that you're gifted with words.

And finally, I have a little song I discovered last year. It's Eurydice and Orpheus singing a duet. Maybe you'll like it.


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Thank you so much for reading and responding! I definitely do feel like I’ve been through several dark nights of the soul, although I know it doesn’t refer to one night only but rather an extended period of time in which grief must be faced in order for transformation to take place.

I don’t put much stock in psychics or palm readers either, but the storyteller in me loves to say there’s a prophecy about me.😂

Thank you so much for your kind words! And for sharing this song - it’s absolutely beautiful.❤️ I never even knew there was a video game based on Greek mythology. I’m not much of a gamer, but maybe I’ll tell my son about it (and he’ll learn some mythology in the process). Also, I’m gonna check out the rest of the soundtrack on Spotify. Thanks again!🙏🏼

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Sep 8Liked by Nida Elley

Your son may love it. The writing in this game is exceptional if he likes stories. We played it last year. It was a blast.

Ashley Barett have some amazing song.

We all become.

In circles.


She Shines

In the flames

Her universe is awesome.

May the prophet be right 😂

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Thank you! It doesn’t matter, even if he isn’t right. I’m happy doing my little thing, even if it doesn’t lead to greatness. I will definitely check out these song recommendations! Thank you.

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A very profound and vulnerable reflection. I love how you weave personal experience with mythology—it gives such power to your journey. Your exploration of identity and rebirth through the lens of these mythic figures is compelling, and I feel like you've really captured the way stories can help us make sense of ourselves. Your insight about Depression as both nemesis and savior struck a chord—it's an incredibly transformative perspective...

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Wow! Thank you, Bing. Your comments are always so heartening to read. I’m glad I’m not just reflecting my own perspective and this post struck a chord with you, too. Through the writing of this, I realized just how much of an antidote stories are for my depression, with a clarity I didn’t have before. That self-knowledge is invaluable I think. Stories as a form of healing and medication.

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it’s always good to see progress

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Oh my friend, I am so sorry you have gone through these heavy moments in your life. Thank you for sharing this with us, it makes me feel hopeful and also like we are not alone.

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Thank you for your presence and compassion! I truly appreciate it. It makes me so happy to think my writing could help someone else and ease their isolation. In truth, we’re all so much more connected than we realize.

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Sep 11Liked by Nida Elley

pure, pulsating potential! you are, you are, you are. Your words captivate me, Nida. It is so brave to recognize that the pure, pulsating potential of you feels low sometimes, but that it doesn't change the electric buzz of you still living. I relate a lot to this. so many highs and lows. It is quite a trip to embrace the lows as just part of the journey, and to remember we don't need to linger and dwell in them longer than they're actually around. Which i think is the trickiest part, and what movement has been such a salve for. Just feeling and moving and feeling and moving and somehow, the lows transform. The trick I think is recognizing the shift in the physical feeling, having moved through the emotions, and learning to let go of the story and make space for a new one. Thank you for this beautiful piece, Nida. And bonus, now I am compelled to watch Kaos. It's always hard to start a new show unless it has an endorsement from someone I trust ❤️

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Awww, thank you so much, Faye! I like how you described it: “it doesn’t change the electric buzz of you still living.” There was a time when I just thought Depression was part of my identity, rather than a passing stage. I think the first time I experienced it, it was signalling a necessary course correction, like a huge red flag telling me not to go down the path I was taking. But I didn’t listen. It’s taken too long for me to come to this place of greater awareness. And for some reason, although I know in theory you are right about movement, I’m moving at a snail’s pace. I’ll often choose to nap instead of move. Hahaha, I’m a work in progress. But with every day that passes, I understand the value of movement more and more. Can’t wait to try your new program!

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Sep 11Liked by Nida Elley

That makes total sense, and I went through a very similar journey- depression or any general form of perpetual sadness seems often to be glamorized and coveted as an identity. I think that makes it hard to let go of, especially when you’ve started relating with yourself and others based upon it. Who am I without this anchor?

moving at a snail’s pace could be just what your body needs. A little while ago I was feeling so low on energy but still wanted to move, so I turned on some slow music, got on the ground, and let my body respond as slow and with as little movement as possible. Maybe something like that would feel good to you.

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100% relate, what you said about sadness becoming like an anchor.

So I’ve started walking. That’s as much as I can manage right now - it’s pretty straightforward and you don’t have to think too much. And I can listen to music or a podcast. But I definitely want to try your program, too.

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Sep 11Liked by Nida Elley

Perfect. One foot ahead of the other

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Hey Nida, this is so vulnerable powerful writing. Amazing story telling. I have been lately feeling like a block in my writing, the kind of block that I am scared to go more deep inside me, or write about the things I still have some leftover shame around. This piece of yours is so inspiring to read and also give me the nudge to own my story completely, then may be write about it. Thank you for writing this💚💚

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Nida! This is so beautiful. You are a gifted writer and storyteller. I’m so rooting for you and for the continued unfolding of your precious & amazing life. So honored to find you in this space. 💜

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Awww, Cynthia! That is so sweet.🥰 I am rooting for you, too, and feel blessed to have met you. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I’m always so grateful when other people find something of value in my writing. Hope you are doing well!

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Yes. You’re welcome. Thank you too for rooting for me. 🙏🏻 I love this so much I’m going to read it again. It’s so rich and I feel so much resonated. I found myself thinking about it when I woke up in the middle of the night. In a good way!! But yeah I thought I need to read it again. I love stories too!

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